Nursing and Healthcare Science (NHS) is the official journal of Keimyung University Research Institute of Nursing Science. This journal had been launched in 1997, published under the title of Keimyung Journal of Nursing Science until 2017, and renamed Nursing and Healthcare Science in 2023.
Nursing and Healthcare Science is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes creative research in nursing theory, practice, and education and related healthcare areas of study.

Target Audience

All nurses working in different areas, nursing students and researchers, as well as related disciplines such as healthcare administrators, nutritionists, psychologists, physician assistants, and other researchers.

Article Types

Original research articles (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research articles), quality improvement articles/reports, review articles, systematic reports, practice updates, case reports, book reviews, letters to the editor, and commentaries.


Nursing and Healthcare Science (NHS)는 계명대학교 간호과학연구소의 공식 학술지입니다. 1997년 창간하여 2017년까지 계명간호과학이라는 제호로 발간되었고, 2023년 Nursing and Healthcare Science (NHS)로 제호를 변경하여 복간되었습니다. NHS는 동료심사를 거쳐 발행되는 학술지이며, 간호학 이론, 실무, 교육 분야에서 이루어진 창의적인 연구와 이와 관련된 연구 분야를 다룹니다. 원고 형태는 원저, 종설, 사례연구, 교육자료, 사설, 서평, 서신을 포함합니다.